Mr. John K. Kariuki
Fincredit Kenya Limited
John K Kariuki is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of FinCredit Limited and FinCredit Uganda Limited. He is also a former Managing Director of AAR Health Services and the immediate former Vice Chairman of the Association of Microfinance Institutions of Kenya (AMFI).
He attended Warwick University where he obtained a BSc. Honours degree in Applied Mathematics. After graduation he worked for 3 years in the IT industry and then returned to Warwick for his MBA, which he obtained a year later.He is credited for being amongst those who pioneered the credit card industry in Kenya and was at one time on the Board of MasterCard for the Middle East & Africa region.
He has over 25 years senior management experience covering the manufacturing, IT, consumer banking and health care industries. He is a shareholder of both FinCredit Limited and AAR Holdings and sits on the Board of a number of private companies. Mr Kariuki has previously served the global YouthSave Expert Advisory Board in 2013, and has been a member of its Kenya Country Advisory Board since 2012. YouthSave is a project dedicated to developing and testing savings products accessible to low-income youth in Colombia, Ghana, Kenya and Nepal. The YouthSave Consortium includes Save the Children, the Centre for Social Development at Washington University in St Louis, the New American Foundation, and CGAP (the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor).